Chiropractic adjustments on children diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have shown to have positive effects. While the chiropractors at local, family-owned Northern Lights Chiropractic don’t claim to treat the actual disorder, they can definitely help with the nervous system imbalances.
Diet modifications and treatment of misalignments in the spine have relieved ADHD for some patients.
Kids are more stressed and they eat worse than the previous generations. This can lead to chemical imbalances and mood changes that are characteristics of ADHD. With more than 6 million children diagnosed with ADHD, the approach to treating our children should be multifaceted.
The long term use of psychotropic medication in children before addressing the root causes does more harm than good. While the exact cause varies, those with ADHD are found to have many chemical and nervous system imbalances.
Early on, psychiatrists called attention and hyperactivity a brain disease. When the characterization as a "disease" and a "dysfunction" couldn’t be supported, they renamed it an attention disorder.
It has made medicating the issue much easier to do. Medications don’t cure the disorder, it may be time to take a more holistic approach to ADHD.
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